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RWA GFWC Knit n Chat
3 Tables and 12 Chairs
RWA GFWC Sew n Sews
2 Tables, 8 Chairs
GFWC – RWWC One Blood Drive
Big Red Bus will be parked at the RWA Marina across from the Oakland Hills Golf Course Open to Public
RW Neighborhood Watch Membership Meeting
Main Room, 20 chairs
Hand and Foot Card Game
5 Tables, 20 Chairs
RWA Treasurer Townhall & Residents Roundtable
Rotonda Room
RWA Treasure Townhall & Residents Roundtable Meeting
Entire Community Center
GFWC RWWC General Meeting
Social Hour 9:00 am "HEALTH AND WELLNESS"
Sew Much Fun
Sewing - 4 Round Tables, 10 Chairs